Error 500 Internal Server Error


Forwarded to ErrorController (113ec3)


jobRun Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /run/StateShiftJobs/f651dbb004c78bf6941fd972373b185b5e02fd76bc2b1f8d9b
# Route name Path Log
1 adminmenustore /backend/admin/menu/store Path does not match
2 admin_ajax_save_right_tree /backend/admin/ajax/saveRightTree Path does not match
3 admin_ajax_save_right_levels /backend/admin/ajax/saveRightTreeLevels Path does not match
4 admin_ajax_show_right_edit /backend/admin/ajax/showRightEdit Path does not match
5 admin_ajax_save_right_inherit /backend/admin/ajax/saveRightInherit Path does not match
6 admin_ajax_right_add_schema /backend/admin/ajax/rightsAddSchema Path does not match
7 admin_ajax_right_edit_levels /backend/admin/ajax/rightsEditLevels Path does not match
8 admin_ajax_save_def_right_level /backend/admin/ajax/rightsLevelChange Path does not match
9 admin_ajax_save_right_schema_usable /backend/admin/ajax/rightsSchemaUsable/{id} Path does not match
10 admin_ajax_right_schema_drop /backend/admin/ajax/rightsSchemaDrop Path does not match
11 admin_ajax_user_getroups /backend/admin/user/getGroups Path does not match
12 admin_ajax_user_name_is_free /backend/admin/user/name_is_free Path does not match
13 admin_ajax_user_getRightGroups /backend/admin/user/getRightGroups Path does not match
14 adminhp /backend/admin Path does not match
15 adminclientlist /backend/admin/client Path does not match
16 adminclientedit /backend/admin/client/edit/{id} Path does not match
17 admincooperationlist /backend/admin/cooperation Path does not match
18 admincooperationedit /backend/admin/cooperation/edit/{id} Path does not match
19 admindepot /backend/admin/depot Path does not match
20 admindepotlist /backend/admin/depot/list Path does not match
21 admindepotedit /backend/admin/depot/edit/{id} Path does not match
22 admindepotgrouplist /backend/admin/depot/group/list Path does not match
23 admindepotgroupedit /backend/admin/depot/group/{id} Path does not match
24 adminuserlist /backend/admin/user Path does not match
25 adminuseredit /backend/admin/user/edit/{id} Path does not match
26 adminmenu /backend/admin/menu Path does not match
27 adminrights /backend/admin/rights Path does not match
28 adminjobs /backend/admin/jobs Path does not match
29 adminjobrun /backend/admin/job/run/{id} Path does not match
30 adminjobedit /backend/admin/job/edit/{id} Path does not match
31 adminjobhist /backend/admin/jobhist Path does not match
32 adminworkflow /backend/admin/workflow Path does not match
33 adminworkflowphase1 /backend/admin/workflow/phase1 Path does not match
34 adminworkflowphase1edit /backend/admin/workflow/phase1/edit/{id} Path does not match
35 adminworkflowjobs /backend/admin/workflow/jobs Path does not match
36 adminworkflowjobedit /backend/admin/workflow/job/edit/{id} Path does not match
37 adminworkflowphase2 /backend/admin/workflow/phase2 Path does not match
38 adminworkflowphase2edit /backend/admin/workflow/phase2/edit/{id} Path does not match
39 adminworkflowmanual /backend/admin/workflow/manual Path does not match
40 adminworkflowmanualedit /backend/admin/workflow/manual/edit/{id} Path does not match
41 adminworkflowmanualdrop /backend/admin/workflow/manual/drop/{id} Path does not match
42 adminworkflowvalidation /backend/admin/workflow/validation Path does not match
43 adminworkflowoverview /backend/admin/workflow/overview Path does not match
44 adminworkflowexportstates /backend/admin/workflow/exportstates Path does not match
45 adminworkflowexportstatesstore /backend/admin/workflow/exportstates/store Path does not match
46 admindepotsettings /backend/admin/depotsett Path does not match
47 admindepotsettedit /backend/admin/depotsett/edit/{id} Path does not match
48 admindistrictlist /backend/admin/district Path does not match
49 adminworkflowcomplete /backend/admin/workflow/complete Path does not match
50 adminworkflowsysinf /backend/admin/sysinf Path does not match
51 adminerrorlist /backend/admin/errors Path does not match
52 adminerrorshow /backend/admin/error/{id} Path does not match
53 adminmessagelist /backend/admin/messages Path does not match
54 adminmessageedit /backend/admin/message/edit/{id} Path does not match
55 adminsystemedit /backend/admin/system/edit Path does not match
56 scworkempty /backend/center/work Path does not match
57 scwork /backend/center/work/{id} Path does not match
58 scworkincome /backend/center/work/incoming Path does not match
59 scworkloadSCLeft /backend/center/work/loadSCLeft/{id} Path does not match
60 scworkloadSCMiddle /backend/center/work/loadSCMiddle/{id} Path does not match
61 scworkloadSCRight /backend/center/work/loadSCRight/{id}/{bookable} Path does not match
62 newavis /backend/center/get/sending/to/call Path does not match
63 send_depot_info /backend/center/work/send/info/{id} Path does not match
64 sendingkeepalive /backend/center/sending/keep/alive Path does not match
65 sending_release /backend/center/release/sending/{id} Path does not match
66 sending_to_clearance /backend/center/sending/to/clearance Path does not match
67 sending_list /backend/center/sending/list Path does not match
68 sendingedit /backend/center/sending/edit/{id} Path does not match
69 sendingstoreTel /backend/center/sending/storeTel/{id} Path does not match
70 sendingstoreMobile /backend/center/sending/storeMobile/{id} Path does not match
71 sendingstoreMail /backend/center/sending/storeMail/{id} Path does not match
72 sendingstoreFax /backend/center/sending/storeFax/{id} Path does not match
73 showStats /backend/center/showStats Path does not match
74 depotassign /backend/center/depotass/list Path does not match
75 depotassignadd /backend/center/depotass/add Path does not match
76 assign_depot_drop /backend/center/depotass/drop/{id} Path does not match
77 load_msglist /backend/center/work/msglist/{id} Path does not match
78 get_message /backend/center/work/msg/load Path does not match
79 list_storage /backend/center/work/storage/list/{id} Path does not match
80 show_storage /backend/center/work/storage/show/{id}/{fid} Path does not match
81 storage_upload /backend/center/work/storage/upload/file/{id} Path does not match
82 sending_sendmsg /backend/center/work/send/msg/{id} Path does not match
83 sending_histmsg /backend/center/work/send/msg/hist/{id} Path does not match
84 statistics /backend/center/stats Path does not match
85 msg_for_state /backend/center/getMsgForState Path does not match
86 load_msg_for_state /backend/center/loadMsgForState Path does not match
87 put_to_belgrad /backend/center/put/{id}/to/belgrad Path does not match
88 add_internal_comment /backend/center/add/comment/{id} Path does not match
89 loadfile /backend/center/load/file/from/storage/{fid} Path does not match
90 loadhist /backend/center/work/load/hist/{id} Path does not match
91 loadStatCount /backend/center/statCount Path does not match
92 doStatStateShift /backend/center/doStatStateShift Path does not match
93 alternative /backend/center/alternative Path does not match
94 depot_list /backend/depot/list Path does not match
95 depot_depot_edit /backend/depot/edit/{id} Path does not match
96 depot_relations_list /backend/depot/relations Path does not match
97 depot_relations_edit /backend/depot/relations/edit/{id} Path does not match
98 depot_relations_export /backend/depot/relations/export Path does not match
99 depot_relations_import /backend/depot/relations/import Path does not match
100 depot_relations_all_tours_export /backend/depot/relations/tours/export/{id} Path does not match
101 depot_relations_all_tours_import /backend/depot/relations/tours/import/{id} Path does not match
102 depot_relations_copy /backend/depot/relations/copy/{id} Path does not match
103 depot_relations_drop /backend/depot/relations/drop/{id} Path does not match
104 depot_relations_tours_tour_storezip /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/storezip Path does not match
105 depot_relations_tours_tour_store /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/store Path does not match
106 depot_relations_one_tour_add /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/add/{id} Path does not match
107 depot_relations_one_tour_drop /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/drop/{id} Path does not match
108 depot_relations_one_tour_copy /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/copy/{id} Path does not match
109 depot_relations_one_tour_export /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/export/{id} Path does not match
110 depot_relations_one_tour_import /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/import/{id} Path does not match
111 depot_relations_one_tour_edit /backend/depot/relations/tours/tour/{id} Path does not match
112 depot_calendar /backend/depot/calendar Path does not match
113 depot_calendar_list /backend/depot/calendar/list Path does not match
114 depot_calendar_edit /backend/depot/calendar/edit/{id} Path does not match
115 depot_calendar_drop /backend/depot/calendar/drop/{id} Path does not match
116 depot_calendar_holidaylist /backend/depot/calendar/holidays Path does not match
117 depot_calendar_holidaylist_depot /backend/depot/calendar/holidays/{id} Path does not match
118 depot_calendar_holidaylist_depot_store /backend/depot/calendar/holidays/store Path does not match
119 depot_calendar_get_relations /backend/depot/calendar/get_relations/{id} Path does not match
120 depot_calendar_skip_list /backend/depot/calendar/skip Path does not match
121 depot_calendar_skip_drop /backend/depot/calendar/skip/drop/{id} Path does not match
122 depot_calendar_skip_edit /backend/depot/calendar/skip/{id} Path does not match
123 depot_calendar_get_skiprelations /backend/depot/calendar/get_skiprelations/{id} Path does not match
124 depot_calendar_softdel /backend/depot/calendar/softdel/{id} Path does not match
125 depot_calendar_harddel /backend/depot/calendar/harddel/{id} Path does not match
126 depot_district /backend/depot/district Path does not match
127 districtzipsearch /backend/depot/district/search Path does not match
128 districtzipadd /backend/depot/district/add Path does not match
129 districtzipdrop /backend/depot/district/drop Path does not match
130 calendarProofZips /backend/depot/calendar/proofZips Path does not match
131 depotStats /backend/depot/stats Path does not match
132 depotBillStatsLoad /backend/depot/billstats/load Path does not match
133 depotSendStatsLoad /backend/depot/sendsendstats/load Path does not match
134 app_duplicates_index /test/{id} Path does not match
135 frontendhome_with_sending /X{sendnr} Path does not match
136 frontendhome_with_sending2 /x{sendnr} Path does not match
137 frontendhome / Path does not match
138 frontend_checksend /fe/checkSend Path does not match
139 frontend_checkzip /fe/checkZip Path does not match
140 frontend_loadafterproof /fe/loadAfterProof Path does not match
141 frontend_getagb /agb Path does not match
142 frontend_getdsb /dsb Path does not match
143 sending_storage /store Path does not match
144 asg /asg Path does not match
145 fallback_on_wrong_url /{sendnr\d+} Path does not match
146 asg_set_dest /asg/setDest Path does not match
147 lists /backend/lists Path does not match
148 listedit /backend/list/edit/{id} Path does not match
149 searchaddress /backend/list/address/search Path does not match
150 listeditdropaddress /backend/list/drop/{id}/{address_id} Path does not match
151 listeditaddaddress /backend/list/add/{id}/{address_id} Path does not match
152 listeditchange /backend/list/change Path does not match
153 listcreate /backend/list/create Path does not match
154 editaddress /backend/list/{listid}/edit/{id} Path does not match
155 address_known_var /backend/list/edit/{id}/known Path does not match
156 address_add_variation /backend/list/edit/{id}/add Path does not match
157 address_add_variation_from_poss /backend/list/addposs/{id}/add Path does not match
158 address_drop_variation /backend/list/edit/drop/{id} Path does not match
159 list_export /backend/list/export/{id} Path does not match
160 list_import /backend/list/import/{id} Path does not match
161 hints /backend/center/hints Path does not match
162 hintedit /backend/center/hint/edit/{id} Path does not match
163 hintdrop /backend/center/hint/drop/{id} Path does not match
164 swapDepot /swapDepot Path does not match
165 home /backend Path does not match
166 app_masterdata_workflowjobs /JoBActivatE Path does not match
167 schedule /run/schedule Path does not match
168 jobRun /run/{taskName}/{hash} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.